Innovation management as a practice: Contributions of the concept of ordinary management


  • Bárbara do Nascimento Alves
    Graduate Program in Management, Innovation and Consumption at the Federal University of Pernambuco, PPGIC/UFPE-CAA, Caruaru, PE
  • Andreza de Amorim Lima Ferreira
    Graduate Program in Management, Innovation and Consumption at the Federal University of Pernambuco, PPGIC/UFPE-CAA, Caruaru, PE
  • Emanuela Ribeiro Lins
    Graduate Program in Management, Innovation and Consumption at the Federal University of Pernambuco, PPGIC/UFPE-CAA, Caruaru, PE
  • Elisabeth Cavalcante dos Santos
    Graduate Program in Management, Innovation and Consumption at the Federal University of Pernambuco, PPGIC/UFPE-CAA, Caruaru, PE




Innovation management, Ordinary management, Everyday practices.


Objective: to analyze the practices of ordinary management as a complement to the approaches of innovation management. Methodology/approach: an exploratory research was carried out through a bibliographic survey. Main results: ordinary management as an aid to innovation management approaches explains how individuals can do different activities in a collective and contextualized way to be able to carry out all the innovation work, and can give opportunities to the manager to conduct and reposition the activities that are carried out in the organizational routine. Theoretical/methodological contributions: this research presents a relevant discussion of how the daily work of the people who make up the organization allows to build a more integrated knowledge about all the processes that involve the complexity of innovation. Relevance/originality: the ordinary management can be a useful theoretical tool for understanding innovation management in practice and taking a new look at understanding the organization and its interactions, considering it as a process, where the different ways of doing and the knowledge of individuals is important for the real work of innovation. Social/management contributions: the relationship between innovation management and ordinary management approaches gives greater attention to the work of individuals in innovation processes and considering the idiosyncrasies present in the organizational environment of peripheral contexts.



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Author Biographies

Bárbara do Nascimento Alves, Graduate Program in Management, Innovation and Consumption at the Federal University of Pernambuco, PPGIC/UFPE-CAA, Caruaru, PE

Bárbara do Nascimento Alves is Professor at Uninassau, Garanhuns, PE, Brazil. Master’s student of the Postgraduate Program in Management, Innovation and Consumption (PPGIC) by UFPE-CAA, Caruaru, PR, Brazil. Specialist in Business and People Management by the Higher Education Authority of Garanhuns (AESGA). Bachelor of Business Administration from the Higher Education Authority of Garanhuns (AESGA). Objective: to analyze the practices of ordinary management as a complement to the approaches of innovation management. Methodology/approach: an exploratory research was carried out through a bibliographic survey. Main results: ordinary management as an aid to innovation management approaches explains how individuals can do different activities in a collective and contextualized way to be able to carry out all the innovation work, and can give opportunities to the manager to conduct and reposition the activities that are carried out in the organizational routine. Theoretical/methodological contributions: this research presents a relevant discussion of how the daily work of the people who make up the organization allows to build a more integrated knowledge about all the processes that involve the complexity of innovation. Relevance/originality: the ordinary management can be a useful theoretical tool for understanding innovation management in practice and taking a new look at understanding the organization and its interactions, considering it as a process, where the different ways of doing and the knowledge of individuals is important for the real work of innovation. Social/management contributions: the relationship between innovation management and ordinary management approaches gives greater attention to the work of individuals in innovation processes and considering the idiosyncrasies present in the organizational environment of peripheral contexts. 

Andreza de Amorim Lima Ferreira, Graduate Program in Management, Innovation and Consumption at the Federal University of Pernambuco, PPGIC/UFPE-CAA, Caruaru, PE

Andreza de Amorim Lima Ferreira is Technical Degree Teacher, Caruaru, PE, Brazil. Master’s student of the Postgraduate Program in Management, Innovation and Consumption (PPGIC) by UFPE-CAA, Caruaru, PE, Brazil. Bachelor of Business Administration from UFPE-CAA.

Emanuela Ribeiro Lins, Graduate Program in Management, Innovation and Consumption at the Federal University of Pernambuco, PPGIC/UFPE-CAA, Caruaru, PE

Emanuela Ribeiro Lins has worked as a Personal Development Analyst at the Department of Education and Sports of Iguaracy, PE, Brazil. Master’s student of the Post-Graduate Program in Management, Innovation and Consumption (PPGIC) by Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Agreste Academic Center (CAA). Bachelor of Business Administration from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Academic Unit of Serra Talhada (UAST).

Elisabeth Cavalcante dos Santos, Graduate Program in Management, Innovation and Consumption at the Federal University of Pernambuco, PPGIC/UFPE-CAA, Caruaru, PE

Elisabeth Cavalcante dos Santos is an Adjunct Professor at the Agreste Academic Center at the Federal University of Pernambuco (CAA/UFPE). Permanent professor of the Postgraduate Program in Management, Innovation and Consumption (PPGIC). Researcher and coordinator of Grupo Vivências. Ph.D in Business Administration from the Graduate Program in Business Administration at UFPB (2014-2016). Master in Business Administration from the Graduate Program in Business Administration at UFPE (2011-2013). Graduated in Business Administration from CAA/UFPE (2006-2010). Her research Interests include Organizational Practices; Inequalities and Power in Organizing; Resistance practices; Peripheral contexts; Popular Cultures.


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How to Cite

Alves, B. do N., Ferreira, A. de A. L., Lins, E. R., & Santos, E. C. dos. (2020). Innovation management as a practice: Contributions of the concept of ordinary management. REGEPE Entrepreneurship and Small Business Journal, 10(1), e1862.



Research article (Theoretical-empirical)