The evolution of the local innovation agents (ALI) program methodology and its contribution to the innovation management at Medicatriz Dermocosmetics





Innovative Company, Entrepreneurship. Innovation, Local Innovation Agents


Objective: evaluate the influence of participation in cycles of the ALI Program in the innovative ambience of Medicatriz Dermocosmetics from 2013 to 2020. Investigated context: the basis of the ALI Program methodology was defined by eight premises: concrete results; use of indicators; results for Sebrae and the innovation ecosystem; involvement of the company's team; collective construction of solutions; tools; companies motivated to innovate; and ALI as a facilitator to overcome the dilemma of having a good creative potential, but without converting into innovations that provide increased sales. Intervention: adopt mechanisms to solve the diagnosed problems, some interventions of open innovation, co-creation, branding, ethnographic research, current customer, and employee satisfaction were proposed for each cycle of participation. Results: in the first cycle, eleven new products were launched using nanotechnology and sensory transversality; in the second, there was a sub-category of customers and humanized projects for customers, employees, and social circles; in the third, remodeling of workshops, creation of paid courses, school visits, supervised internship, and advanced support; and in the fourth, a model for recognizing employees was created. Conclusion: the promotion of the continued practice of innovation actions in small companies and contributions to Medicatriz permeated the four dimensions of innovation. The company understands that investment in human development increases the chances of organizations becoming productive and engaging for their employees, suppliers, and customers.


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Author Biographies

Lívia Luize Marengo, University of Sorocaba (UNISO)

is Innovation Agent at SENAI/SP. She has a Doctorate and Masters degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Sorocaba and a Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy from the same institution. Her areas of interest include rational use of drugs, health technologies, entrepreneurship and innovation management.

Allan Nunes Soares, Ibirapuera University (UNIB)

is Operations Manager at Medicatriz Dermocosméticos. He has a Professional Master's Degree in Administration from the Ibirapuera University and a Bachelor's degree in Administration from Integrated Faculties Cruzeiro. His areas of interest include entrepreneurship, innovation management and operations management.

Henrique Rafael da Silva Romão, University of Sorocaba (UNISO)

is Innovation Consultant at SEBRAE/SP. He has a Master's degree in Business Administration from the University Center of FEI and a Bacherlor's degree in Economic Sciences from the University of Sorocaba. His areas of interest include entrepreneurship, innovation management and business models.

Davi Lucas Arruda de Araújo, Ibirapuera University (UNIB)

is Professor of the Professional Master's Program in Business Administration at Ibirapuera University. He has a Doctorate and Master's degree in Business Administration from Mackenzie Presbiteryan University and a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Estácio de Alagoas Faculty (Estácio de Sá/FAL). His areas of interest include innovation management, operations management and business strategy.

Silvia Novaes Zilber, Federal University of ABC (UFABC

is Professor of the Master's Program in Production Engineering at the Federal University of ABC. She has a Doctorate and Master's degree in Business Administration from the University of São Paulo and a Bacherlor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the same institution. Her areas of interest include strategies for innovation, innovation in industry 4.0, digital transformation, innovative business models and strategic IT applications.


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How to Cite

Marengo, L. L., Soares, A. N., Romão, H. R. da S., Araújo, D. L. A. de, & Zilber, S. N. (2022). The evolution of the local innovation agents (ALI) program methodology and its contribution to the innovation management at Medicatriz Dermocosmetics. REGEPE Entrepreneurship and Small Business Journal, 11(2), e2078.



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