Market Orientation for Immigrant and Ethnic Small and Medium-Sized Brazilian Immigrant Ventures Overseas


  • Eduardo Picanço Cruz
    Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Roberto Pessoa de Queiroz Falcão
    Universidade Federal Fluminense




Immigrant entrepreneur. Market orientation. Market opportunity. Ethnic enclave. Immigration.


Objective: contribute to the entrepreneurship field of study, in the context of ethnic or immigrant companies, by analyzing variables that define their market orientation and the strategic decisions taken, deepening the knowledge on the subject.

Method: the data collection was comprised of multi-method strategies (quantitative and qualitative), the main strategy being an in-depth interview, which comprises the analysis of multiple cases of overseas entrepreneurs, from different Brazilian communities. This information was triangulated, based on data from surveys carried out with Brazilians in Australia, Canada, Portugal and Estonia, from netnography and document analysis. Therefore, intra and inter-case analyzes were carried out, aiming to find similarities and differences in the results achieved.

Originality/Relevance: the article focuses on an important issue, which involves the world's major economies - immigrants. Given the difficulties in their insertion in host societies, they tend to be identified as "social problems". On the other hand, the application of business models and proposals for immigrant entrepreneurs´ market orientation enables a path for their economic and social ascension. By becoming successful entrepreneurs, they can reverse this discriminatory perception of themselves.

Results: based on the data collected as well as the analysis of articles from the existing literature, four different market orientations were identified: (1) focus on ethnic market niche, (2) focus on specific interests, (3) focus on exotic products for the local customer, and (4) focus on highly competitive markets. The authors present a 2x2 matrix including the variables: (a) degree of affiliation of entrepreneurs with their ethnic communities and target audience, e (b) market segments in which they focus.

Theoretical/Methodological contributions: the main theoretical contribution of the paper is supporting the discussion on market orientation of immigrants and ethnic firms, as well as their target audience decisions. In addition, the article innovates by discussing strategic decisions in the context of small and medium Brazilians businesses established overseas.


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Author Biographies

Eduardo Picanço Cruz, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Departamento de Empreendedorismo e Gestão

Área de empreendedorismo imigrante e empreendedorismo étnico

Roberto Pessoa de Queiroz Falcão, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Departamento de Empreendedorismo e Gestão

Área de empreendedorismo imigrante e empreendedorismo étnico


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How to Cite

Cruz, E. P., & Falcão, R. P. de Q. (2020). Market Orientation for Immigrant and Ethnic Small and Medium-Sized Brazilian Immigrant Ventures Overseas. REGEPE Entrepreneurship and Small Business Journal, 9(4), 641–671.



Research article (Theoretical-empirical)

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