Entrepreneurial Orientation as support in solving the challenges of Agile Methods adoption: A case study in a Brazilian startup
Agile methods, Entrepreneurial orientation, StartupAbstract
Study objective: empirically evaluate how the dimensions of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) can help solve the challenges of Agile Method adoption (AM). Methodology/approach: single case study in a software startup. Key findings: confirmation of challenges in adopting AM across three dimensions (people, processes, and management and organization) in the studied startup, and identification of which dimensions of EO contribute most to solving these challenges. Relevance/originality: although EO and its dimensions are recognized by the interviewees as potential actions to solve the challenges of AM adoption, they are not encouraged when the team is allocated at the client's site due to cultural influence. This research is relevant as it aims to help understand these challenges and suggest ways to overcome them. Theoretical/methodological contributions: as an academic contribution, this study advances research on the adoption of AM and EO, as well as the relationship between these topics. Social/management contributions: understanding the inherent challenges in adopting and using AM and promoting actions that can assist in solving these challenges through the utilization of EO concepts.
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