The Influence of intrapreneurship on accelerating digital transformation in a bank's credit operations center
Corporate Entrepreneurship, Digital Transformation, Intrapreneurship, Technological Innovation, DigitalizationAbstract
Objective of the study: The objective of this study was to analyze how intrapreneurship accelerated the digital transformation in a credit operations center of a Brazilian bank, linked to an innovation laboratory in Silicon Valley. Methodology/approach: The research method was the in-depth case study and the data analysis technique was the content analysis. Main results: The original results indicated that intrapreneurship accelerated digital transformation through digitalization and digitization of processes, implementing and improving technological applications. Theoretical/methodological contributions: Leaders encouraged intrapreneurship by supporting creative ideas, using agile methodologies and digital innovation, and showing that rigidity in accepting failures and risks can be overcome. Relevance/originality: We conclude that intrapreneurship can accelerate incremental technological innovations, in products and processes, in order to promote digital transformation in the financial sector. Social/management contributions: We also conclude that digital transformation can significantly advance from the institutional incentive to intrapreneurship, acceptance of failures and risks, and creation of innovation poles connected to international technological networks. Future studies may investigate intrapreneurial solutions for the banking sector, based on open banking, artificial intelligence and blockchain.
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