Vol. 9 No. 2 (2020): Jan./Apr.
Are Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses Prepared for Contextual Adversities? A Reflection in the Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Visualizações do artigo: 2971 PDF (Português (Brasil)) downloads: 1774 PDF downloads: 327
Research article (Theoretical-empirical)
The Impact of Information Technology Investments on the Organizational Strategic Variables and Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)
Visualizações do artigo: 1213 PDF (Português (Brasil)) downloads: 666 PDF downloads: 344 -
Does The Incubation Process Assist Adaptive, Absorptive And Innovative Capacity Development? Multiple Cases Studies in the Triângulo Mineiro and alto Paranaíba Region
Visualizações do artigo: 667 PDF (Português (Brasil)) downloads: 310 PDF downloads: 131 -
The Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Social Business
Visualizações do artigo: 585 PDF (Português (Brasil)) downloads: 339 PDF downloads: 323 -
Cultural Entrepreneurship and Creative Economy: The Galpao Group Theater Company
Visualizações do artigo: 861 PDF (Português (Brasil)) downloads: 400 PDF downloads: 195 -
The Internationalization in the Innovation Process in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Brazilian Startup
Visualizações do artigo: 1056 PDF (Português (Brasil)) downloads: 373 PDF downloads: 382 -
Entrepreneurial Competences: Development of an Evaluation Scale
Visualizações do artigo: 1126 PDF (Português (Brasil)) downloads: 620 PDF downloads: 188 -
Sustainability Indicators Favor the Creation of Companies?
Visualizações do artigo: 945 PDF (Português (Brasil)) downloads: 320 PDF downloads: 133
Technological article
QueroQuiro - Entrepreneurship in a Health Segment
Visualizações do artigo: 680 PDF (Português (Brasil)) downloads: 315 PDF downloads: 154
Inovação e Empreendedorismo no Setor Público
Visualizações do artigo: 622 PDF (Português (Brasil)) downloads: 622 PDF downloads: 145